The Family Association
Every parent and guardian in the Head-Royce community is a member of the Family Association, which provides service hours, relationship building opportunities, cultural experiences, educational speakers, fundraising support, and numerous events that support Head-Royce students, families, and professional community.
The FA's Impact and Volunteering
The FA's Impact and Volunteering
The FA is committed to supporting Head-Royce, our students, and our faculty. Every year, proceeds from the Spring Celebration auction are directed to projects that align with the Strategic Plan goals and the needs of the school.
Family Networks
Family Networks
African American Family Network
Anti-Racist Family Network
Asian Parents Network
Gender and Sexuality Diversity Network
Jewish Families Network
Latino Families Network
Learning Differences Network
Muslim, Middle Eastern, North African, and West Asian Family Network
The CommunityEd Speaker Series—brought to you in partnership with the Head-Royce Family Association—gives Head-Royce students, families, faculty, and staff the chance to learn together. From book clubs to guest lectures, these events enrich our lives.
FA Committees
Cultural Enrichment CommitteeAdvances the cross-cultural competencies of Head-Royce Lower School students, faculty, and families by providing financial and programming support for cultural programs.
FA Executive Board
Amelia Sandoval-Smith, Vice President
Sarah Boolani, Secretary
Bobby Brenman, Treasurer
Rupa Badlani, LS Liaison
Sarah Hebda, LS Liaison
Cindy Ciruli, MS Liaison
Beth Goldberg, MS Liaison
Santhoshi Basaveswara, US Liaison
Rani Batra, US Liaison