Center for Community Engagement
The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) serves as Head-Royce’s cross-divisional K–12 organizing hub for all civic engagement initiatives, working both with students and professional community members to promote responsible and engaged citizenship through local and experiential learning, co-curricular programming and capstone opportunities.
Local Engagement
Local Engagement
Head-Royce School is passionately committed to driving deeper civic engagement and building authentic partnerships within Oakland and the local Bay Area—an institutional value that encourages our students’ political activism, social justice efforts, and collaborations with local groups. From kindergarten to senior year, our students connect with vibrant change-makers and impactful organizations throughout the East Bay for in-field learning, volunteering, and activism, approaching these community connections with critical self-awareness and cultural humility. Our commitment to challenging the status quo helps our students gain the insights, tools, and practice needed to create a more just and healthy world.
Global Engagement
Global Engagement
Be it in the classroom or out in the field, the goal of our global education program is to instill in our students the competencies of a globally engaged citizen — one who is empathic, self-aware, able to connect across differences, and understand multiple perspectives. The telos of acquiring such skills and traits is to practice responsible global citizenship by taking action on issues of equity and sustainability.
Hands-On Design
Hands-On Design
The Big Build is a beloved interdivisional project that takes place every spring. This project was created by alumn Miles Burton ’17 who spent four summers working with the Tinkering School where he brought hands-on design learning to kids of all ages.
During the month of May, a dedicated group of Head-Royce Seniors leads full-day design-build challenges for our Lower Schoolers. Each class of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders has a day dedicated to them, where they journey with their Senior guides across the street to South Campus to learn the use of power tools and then build something big and exciting. This hands-on project offers our Lower Schoolers the chance to use machines and hand-skills while collaboratively solving a complex design challenge.
Global Online Academy
Global Online Academy
As a founding member of the Global Online Academy (GOA), Head-Royce has offered interdisciplinary online courses to Upper School students since 2011. Students who enroll in GOA classes collaborate with peers from a range of independent schools, from Catlin Gabel and Dalton to the American School in Japan and King’s Academy in Jordan.
GOA allows us to expand the Upper School course catalog to include the languages Arabic and Japanese, and more specialized classes like Architecture, Bioethics, and Positive Psychology. Many classes are interdisciplinary, like Global Health, 9/11 in a Global Context, and Prisons and Criminal Law. The courses are all taught by faculty affiliated with member schools, and independent schools with similar academic standards as Head-Royce, and each course is capped at 18 students.
GOA’s annual Catalyst Conference is a public, online exhibition of student research, focused on social justice and advocacy. In 2020, the Upper School History Department adopted the Catalyst Conference as a capstone experience for their 10th grade United States History research project.
Curricular Connections
Curricular Connections
It is impossible to imagine the scope of Head-Royce’s community engagement work without a careful look at our curriculum and our ever-strengthening commitment to equity and inclusion. From our Kindergartners to our Seniors, every grade level at Head-Royce immerses students in curricula aiming to instill self-awareness, compassion for others, and purpose-driven action. Our goal is Mission-aligned and clear: to have the study and practice of equity, inclusion, and civic engagement suffuse every classroom.
Whether it is our students being mentored by alumni, HRS parents, and other local professionals or students serving as mentors to younger children, mentoring relationships provide a wonderful opportunity for shared learning, growth, and joy where the experience gained is equally valuable for both mentor and mentee.